Duval Teachers United

April 2019

Professional Development Update

Professional Development Update Certification deadlines are coming soon.  Certification requirements are the responsibility of the employees. Professional Development Points: DCPS began using the TalentEd system during 2018-2019 school year.  Any workshops taken prior to the transition are being transferred from ERO to the TalentEd system.  This is a long and tedious process, and the Tech

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Teacher Summative Evaluations

Final summative evaluations for all instructional personnel are to be completed, signed, and submitted electronically through PERFORM by April 30, 2019. Your summative evaluation score is a combination of the Administrator Observation Score (90 points) and Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) Score (10 points).  As of April 30, 2019, you will have your Administrator Observation

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UOPD Annual Evaluations

UOPD annual evaluations are to be completed, signed, and submitted electronically through PERFORM to Human Resources by April 15, 2019. If you have problems getting a hard copy of your evaluation, please contact your principal. If problems persist, contact DTU. Any UOPD employee who receives an overall “Unsatisfactory” evaluation should have received a “Letter of

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Paraprofessional Annual Evaluations

Paraprofessional summative annual evaluations were to be completed, signed, and submitted electronically through PERFORM to Human Resources by April 1, 2019. If you have problems getting a hard copy of your evaluation, please contact your principal. If problems persist, contact DTU. Any paraprofessional who receives an overall “Unsatisfactory” evaluation should have received a “Letter of

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