Member Benefits
Membership in DTU brings many benefits not offered to other School Board employees. DTU, the organization of education professionals in Duval County, is proudly affiliated with the Florida Education Association and both the national organizations, American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA). The combined efforts of DTU, FEA, AFT and NEA offer numerous benefits for members and their families. In addition to input into the collective bargaining process that establishes salaries, employee-benefits, and working conditions, your membership in DTU, FEA, and both NEA and AFT guarantees you economic and insurance services, a powerful political voice, professional and personal legal representation, consumer discounts, and much more. Professional publications, mortgage programs, low interest MasterCard, free automatic insurance protection plans, optional group rate insurance plans, discount travel services, and many other tangible and non-tangible benefits are available only to members. Since 1974, DTU has represented the educators of Duval County at the bargaining table, in the Legislature, and in the business world. The benefits of affiliating with DTU greatly outweigh the investment made each pay period.
This investment in your professional future will bring a better tomorrow.
FEA/AFT offers 50 members-only discounts and services.
Now You Can Save Every Day with Access.
Ready to start?
Members’ Advantage Plan.
Free financial planning for you.
Having trouble making your mortgage payment?
Act Now!
Notary Public Service
Notary services are provided free of charge to members at the DTU Headquarters.
Please call DTU before you come, 904-396-4063.