Duval Teachers United

Teacher Summative Evaluations

Final summative evaluations for all instructional personnel are to be completed, signed, and submitted electronically through PERFORM by April 30, 2019.

Your summative evaluation score is a combination of the Administrator Observation Score (90 points) and Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) Score (10 points).  As of April 30, 2019, you will have your Administrator Observation Score and your IPDP Score.  The Student Growth Score will not be available until the fall.


  • IPDP conferences should be starting. Teachers need to begin finalizing their IPDPs.
  • No cattle calls for signing of evaluations. Please notify DTU if this happens at your work site.  You must have an individual summative conference before you sign your evaluation.
  • Evaluations must be electronically signed accepted or not accepted. You have the right to make comments on your summative if you do not accept it.
  • Always ask questions concerning your summative during the summative conference, before you sign it.
  • Teachers will also sign a paper copy of the summative evaluation.