Monday, October 7, 2024
Dear Members,
We have received the following information from the district.
The City of Jacksonville is mobilizing in response to the impending threat of Hurricane Milton. In response to the safety threat posed by the storm and the need for shelters:
Duval County Public Schools will be closed from Wednesday, Oct. 9, through Friday, Oct. 11.
All school activities, including athletics and after school programs, are canceled for those days.
After the storm passes and personnel begin recovery efforts, the district will make an announcement regarding operations for the following week.
Make-Up Days
Students and families should plan to make up two of the missed days on Feb. 14 and May 30. Those days are currently listed as weather days on the school calendar. The school calendar has additional time built-in to absorb the third day of closure.
Facilities Preparations and Shelters
District teams are already preparing campuses for the storm following normal procedures. DCPS is preparing to open shelters at the following schools:
LaVilla Middle School of the Arts
Atlantic Coast High School
Landmark Middle School
Chaffee Trail Elementary School
Arlington Middle School
Potential shelter guests should visit City of Jacksonville websites for any additional city shelters and specific shelter information.
Employee Schedules
Essential personnel will be mobilized as needed for storm preparation, shelter management, and storm recovery throughout the closure and reopening of schools.
Employees on normal 12-month schedules will work remotely on October 9, 10, and 11. We trust our supervisors to lead with grace and compassion, taking into account the severity of the storm and its impact on our team members.
Employes on 10-, 11-, and 12-month alternative schedules are authorized to work remotely for one day on October 9. February 14 and May 30 will be converted from weather days to regular workdays.
A district emergency weather web page has been created. Updates throughout the storm and recovery will be posted on that page at
Our thoughts are with you and your families, and we are hoping that everyone stays safe.
Tammie Brooks-Evans
DTU President
Jessica Reyst
DTU Vice President