CHANGING Homelessness
January Project: Collect Items for Hygiene Kits!
Under the new leadership of DTU we feel it is important that we support the community where we live. In the new year you will be see new opportunities for DTU and its members to support local charities and this is our first event. DTU is working with Changing Homelessness, a non-profit organization servicing Duval, Nassau, and Clay County areas. DTU has teamed up to collect items to go into the hygiene kits and we are challenging our members to help with this project. We are asking that each school/worksite collect items to donate to Changing Homelessness to support them in their Hygiene Kits project.
Items Needed:
- Toothbrush/Toothpaste
- Socks, Gloves
- Individually Packed Snacks
- Deodorant
- Water
- Lip Balm
- Soap
DTU Building Reps will collect the items at your school or worksite from January 8-18, 2024.
Drop Off Location:
- Bring the collected items to the DTU office by January 18th.
- DTU Office Hours: Monday -Thursday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
*DTU will offer extended office hours on Thursday, January 17, 2024 for those who need a later time to drop off the items. ***