Duval Teachers United

2021 NEA Delegate Notice

It is time to elect delegates to the 2021 NEA Delegate Assembly.

The NEA Delegate Assembly wll be held virtually.

If you are interested in running as a delegate, please call DTU (396-4063) by March 4, 2021 to have your name placed on the ballot for the March 16, 2021 meeting where the voting will take place.

No nominations will be taken from the floor.


  • 24 Delegates will be elected.
  • NEA Convention –  June 30-July 3, 2021.
  • Each Delegate will attend (virtually) all meetings and caucuses. (on time and stay)

**Even though this will be a very different way to conduct a National Convention, it is still very important that all delegates elected be in attendance to represent DTU