Duval Teachers United

Points of Interest: Tik Tok Challenge

October 11, 2021

DTU has been made aware of a possible circulating challenge posted on the social media app TikTok. The “Tiktok challenge” involves encouraging students to vandalize school property and engage in disruptive behavior in school, including battery on a School Board employee. It is unfortunate that students would even consider these actions.

Battery on a Duval County School Board employee is an infraction under the Code of Conduct for Duval County Schools and a felony under Florida Law.

To be clear, the overwhelming number of the students we teach would never engage in this kind of activity. It is our job, however, to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for our members, students, and our schools.

If a student hits you, please make sure you write a referral for battery on a School Board employee AND contact your school resource officer or School Board Police to complete a report for criminal charges. Please make it clear to law enforcement if you desire to move forward with criminal prosecution. The school and law enforcement should take this very seriously. If you have any issues, please don’t hesitate to contact DTU.

Please be advised that there can be consequences for teachers and staff who engage in physical aggression of a student even if the teacher is reacting in self-defense.  The teacher’s behavior could be recorded and taken out of context. There could be teacher certification, criminal and/or school disciplinary measures taken as a result, as well as a DCF investigation.