Duval Teachers United

Calendar Option Survey

April 4, 2024

Please take the time to complete the survey.  Your opinion counts and we would like to have feedback from a greater number of employees.

Calendars Options: Recommendations to the board

I have included the results from the last survey of members about the options of calendars.  Only 248 employees completed the survey, and this isn’t enough participation to get a true feeling for what employees would like for us to consider when making a recommendation to the board.  Our hope is that we would have greater participation this time and give us a clearer picture of what type of calendar employees would prefer.

Please look at the options and vote on the calendar that you would like the committee to recommend to the board. Keep in mind that the board decides on the calendar to be used the committee only gives a recommendation.

There are four (4) sets of calendars. (Scroll down to see all options) There are calendars with professional days added and calendars without the additional professional days. Review them carefully and then use the forms link to cast your vote for the calendar you would prefer. The survey will be available from April 4th until April 19th.  Thanks in advance for your participation. Survey Results for Calendars 2025 2026  2026 2027

Four Calendars Options Below

2025-2026 School Calendar Working Draft A2 Extra Teacher PDs

2025-2026 School Calendar Working Drafts A-CrevII

2026-2027 School Calendar Working Draft B Extra Teacher PDs

2026-2027 School Calendar Working Drafts

Click HERE to VOTE for the calendars you prefer.